
Commercial Diver

Type: collectible figurine

Dimensions: diver with base 21 cm height

Materials used: resin, rubber, metal,magnets, acrylic paints, varnish

Time from order to shipping: about 4 month + shipping time (depends on the country of delivery)

The figure has the original Kirby Morgan helmet and JFD rebreather. Images of the SuperLite® helmet and Cobra is a Registered Trademark belonging to Kirby Morgan Dive Systems and JFD, used with permission.

Category:Ready figurine

Create your own unique figure Commercial diver. To choose from a list of many of components, which are free to configure and colorize.


- At least one of the series of components with a helmet is required to complete the figure!

If you dive with different tools, you can order couple of them, and replace them on the figure.

- Magnetic parts: easy to assemble, easy to replace with new ones.

- Each figurine is hand-painted, the painting may slightly differ from that of the photographs.

- If you want to make any additional changes, please write email before ordering, to verify if the modification is possible modelsfordivers@gmail.com.

- The button to order a figurine is at the bottom of the list of parts ►►

- The blue basket means that the component is added.


Drysuit base diver

Drysuit base diver

164,00 €

This is the base figure to which you add components. In order for the figure to be complete, you must additionally choose a Helmet with a breathing system. The base figure has both hands empty.

The figure includes one base of your choice. You can buy a second one and exchange them.

Suit color:

Suit inflation:

Harness color:

Gloves color:

leg type:

Fins color:


KM helmet with single bailout cylinder

KM helmet with single bailout cylinder

40,00 €

Kirby Morgan helmet with single bailout cylinder and umbilical. You can choose color of helmet and cylinder. Also you can choose of type regulator.

- at least one of the series of components with a helmet is required to complete the figure, you can choose several of them and exchange them.

Helmet type:

Helmet color:

Cylinder color:

KM helmet with Cobra rebreather new

KM helmet with Cobra rebreather new

60,00 €

Kirby Morgan helmet with new Cobra JFD rebreather and umbilical. You can choose color of helmet.

- at least one of the series of components with a helmet is required to complete the figure, you can choose several of them and exchange them.

Helmet color:

KM helmet with Cobra rebreather old

KM helmet with Cobra rebreather old

60,00 €

Kirby Morgan helmet with Cobra JFD rebreather and umbilical. You can choose color of helmet.

- at least one of the series of components with a helmet is required to complete the figure, you can choose several of them and exchange them.

Helmet color:

Cutting tool

Cutting tool

20,00 €

This is the right hand with the Cutting tool. The set has soft wires that connect to the base. The color of the glove will be identical to the one selected above.

- if you choose a hand with this tool, it will replace the empty hand in your order. You can choose several of them and exchange them.

Welding tool + glasses

Welding tool + glasses

25,00 €

This is the right hand with the Welding tool nad glasses on helmet. The set has soft wires that connect to the base. The color of the glove will be identical to the one selected above.

- if you choose a hand with this tool, it will replace the empty hand in your order. You can choose several of them and exchange them.

Circular Saw tool

Circular Saw tool

25,00 €

This is the right hand with the circular saw tool. The set has soft wires that connect to the base. The color of the glove will be identical to the one selected above.

- if you choose a hand with this tool, it will replace the empty hand in your order. You can choose several of them and exchange them.

Drill tool

Drill tool

25,00 €

This is the right hand with the drill tool. The set has soft wires that connect to the base. The color of the glove will be identical to the one selected above.

- if you choose a hand with this tool, it will replace the empty hand in your order. You can choose several of them and exchange them.

Hammer tool

Hammer tool

25,00 €

This is the right hand with the hammer tool. The set has soft wires that connect to the base. The color of the glove will be identical to the one selected above.

- if you choose a hand with this tool, it will replace the empty hand in your order. You can choose several of them and exchange them.

Tool bag

Tool bag

12,00 €

Yellow tool bag, mounted at stomach level.

  • The diver's figure is only an example



56,00 €

47,00 €

The case perfectly protects the figure against dust and other factors. The case is made to measure for a given type of figurine. The dimensions are 15,2x12,5x23cm. It is made of transparent plexiglass with an engraved logo.

  • The diver's figure, Lighting stand are only an example
  • All bases and components fits perfectly into case

Lighting stand

Lighting stand

79,00 €

69,00 €

Show your passions olso in the dark. The lighting stand will make your figurine visible, details will be shown. The stand has a modern look that fits into every interior. The stand is connected to the power via the mains adapter. The plug fits the Type C socket. Cable length 2m. The dimensions are 16x14,5x29,5cm.

  • Dust protection case fits perfectly into Lighting stand.
  • All theme stands fits perfectly into Lighting stand.



21,00 €

16,00 €

Metal keychain with hook. The keychain is made of a zinc-bismuth metal alloy. Hand-cast in low-volume production. After casting, the element is manually ground and polished. A Paracord rope with a carabiner is attached to the keychain.

  • The promotion is available only when purchased together with a figurine.

Paracord color:

Commercial diver T-shirt

Commercial diver T-shirt

28,00 €

21,00 €

200gsm. approx.  100% preshrunk cottom

A professional print is applied to the T-shirt by the most modern machines. The shirt is of good grade and thick material. The whole is very durable and resistant to washing.

Full size chart for each size on the main shirt page

T-shirt size: